
Names, tittles and entitlement?

Here’s what I find funny : I always end up writing my own name when I am asked to design something in a jiffy or if I can’t come up with any great ideas in that moment. My school copies are filled with doodles and scribbles of my own name. Back in the day it was mostly because I wanted to find my signature (actually it’s just super fun and I would fill my entire copy with my sign while others filled their copy with their crushes name). Did you ever spend time scribbling your own name on your phone book copy while talking over the TNT? Only people who were not born after the 90’s would understand.

Does this sound like a Self love post?

But, on a serious note though, learn to get a better understanding of your art by loving yourself first. 👻👻 (1)

I’ll try to catch shooting stars, someday

Flickering lights are fascinating.  I have always been fascinated by outer space and interstellar related matters. There were times when I would imagine myself going outside of our planet on a shooting star. That way I could be surfing on top of it, just like Gohan.





First project using Adobe Animate

As you can see, my background disappeared. If you look very closely, and maybe slow it down inside your own head, you can tell the little panda is lying on the ground and watching the clouds go by. Each cloud has a shape so little panda tries to enhance her imagination and calm down all her anxieties by watching the clouds slowly move by, carrying on and minding its own business instead of stopping by for what others are doing.

The main idea of creating this GIF was to show how things can come into perspective when you slow your visions down and look at the things that are important.

Unfortunately, I can point out some mistakes here:

  1. Background is transparent. I used blue stage for the clouds and a green for the grassy ground. However, it disappeared, and I didn’t have enough time to fix it.
  2.  40 FPS does not mean the time should be 40 seconds, but I messed up the time limit therefore, the gif moves super fast and you can’t really see the expressions or the cloud movements properly.Hope you still enjoyed reading this through. I will be updating more animations and you can see how I progressed over time. Thank yous.
